Dr Jeffery A. Dahlberg
Title: Director-UC-ANR-KARE
Specialty: Plant Breeding and Genetics
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: (559) 646-6060
Fax: 559-646-6015
Email: jadahlberg@ucanr.edu
Dr Robert Bernard Hutmacher
Title: Cooperative Extension Specialist / AES Agronomist (retired)
Specialty: cotton production issues, irrigation mgmt, drip irrigation, sorghum, industrial hemp, water stress, nutrient mgmt
Department of Plant Sciences
One Shields Avenue
1210 Plant and Environmental Sciences Bldg
Davis, CA 95616-8780
Phone: 5592608957
Email: rbhutmacher@ucdavis.edu
Title: CE Specialist.
Specialty: Production and resource use efficiency of sugar, oilseed crops and other agronomic crops; Cropping systems and agroecology; biomass, bioenegy, bioproducts and related public policy issues; irrigation, salinity and drainage
Department of Plant Sciences
One Shields Avenue
1210 Plant and Environmental Sciences Bldg
Davis, CA 95616-8780
Phone: (530) 752-8108
Email: srkaffka@ucdavis.edu
Title: CE Specialist
Specialty: Research interests focus on using 'omic technologies to understand interactions between plants, microbes and the environment. Efforts specifically focus on understanding abiotic and biotic stresses and nutrtional traits. Outreach efforts focus on commun
Koshland Hall, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3102
Phone: (510) 642-1589
Email: lemauxpg@berkeley.edu
Dr Daniel H Putnam
Title: Cooperative Extension Specialist, Agronomist in the AES
Specialty: Alfalfa and forage crops systems, forage quality and utilization, alternative field crops, cellulosic energy crops (switchgrass, miscanthus) crop ecology.
MS #1 One Shields Avenue
2240 Plant & Environmental Sciences Building. UC Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8780
Phone: (530) 752-8982
Fax: (530) 752-4361
Email: dhputnam@ucdavis.edu
Steven D Wright
Title: Farm Advisor- Tulare and Kings Counties - Emeritus
Specialty: Cotton, small grains, weed control
University of California Cooperative Extension
4437 S. Laspina St.
Ste. B
Tulare, CA 93274-9537
Phone: (559) 684-3315
Fax: 559-685-3319
Email: sdwright@ucanr.edu
Christer Jansson
Title: Director of Plant Sciences, Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
3335 Innovation Boulevard
Richland, WA 99354
Phone: (509) 371-6516
Email: christer.jansson@pnnl.gov
William (Bill) Orts
Title: Research Leader, USDA-ARS Western Regional Research Center
800 Buchanan Street, Room 3006-A
Albany, CA, 94710
Phone: (510) 559-5730
Fax: (510) 559-5818
Email: bill.orts@ars.usda.gov